Thursday, March 20, 2014

series 4

I have begun incorporating a new variety of stalker like styles in my photos. I have added more silhouettes into the series because they have a mysterious feel just like the first few series.


  1. this is a great series! its very different from your other series. the mood is very dark and mysterious. i think this really shows in the silhouettes since you cant really make out the people's faces. my favorite is you first one. i really like how the heads on both people aren't visible and the bodies are. this is you strongest series so far. you took a different approach and it worked. Great Job!

  2. Really good work with the silhouettes. The silhouettes really embody the stalker vibe/theme. In addition, the lighting and depth staging in these photos are really interesting. I can look at them and think of them as cool individually or in a full set.

  3. overall really good job! I think that you captured the mysterious/stalker photographs really well. I really liked your work with the silhouettes. I really like this series, great job!

  4. The use of silhouettes is very good in this set. They help bring out the stalker feel to it and are really dramatic. The locations you take the photos in are good as well.

  5. nice series. i like the darkness of your photos. i also think that you did a good job creating a very cohesive series.
